It’s likely that we’re all familiar with the three R’s of recycling. Whether you learnt about them at school or through work, they’re often spoken about. But when it comes to knowing what they mean or how to use them in our daily routines, not all of us know where to start. To help you understand what it means to reduce, reuse, and recycle, take a look at our information below!
The best way to reduce waste is to avoid creating it. This can be applied to many aspects of your day, including what you eat and how much, your form of transport and the way you shower! By using less of a product or good, this means less goes to waste. For example, you may choose to buy products with less packaging to ensure that less goes to waste. Or, maybe you’re going to reduce your shower time by 5 minutes to save water. Buying ‘recycled’ goods means that the products have already saved resources and raw materials to reduce the overall quantity of waste.
Reusing is one of the easiest ways to stay environmentally friendly and it might even save you a few dollars. Simple ways that you can reuse everyday include using green bags instead of plastic shopping bags, keeping jars and containers to use again, buying or selling second hand clothing or items and using rechargeable batteries. Reusing is more environmentally friendly than recycling as it requires little or no energy to process.
Recycling should only be used after trying to reduce and reuse. This process involves recovering materials and putting them to new use. By saving natural resources and conserving raw materials, less energy is used and less is dumped in landfill each year. Your local council will often offer recycling facilities such as collections or bins and will often have a website outlining what can and can’t be recycled.
For more information on being environmentally friendly and how King Cotton help make the environment a healthier place for all, take a look around our website!