About King Cotton
Each year, we collect over 5,000 tonnes of clothing and accessories across Australia with up to 95% being reused or recycled both locally and by developing countries. Since 1980, this has amounted to around 200,000 tonnes of clothing and textiles that have been diverted from landfill.
We pride ourselves on supporting local communities, charities and the environment. Over the past 10 years, we have been able to provide partnering councils with over $50,000 and with our support of major charities like, "Make A Wish“, ”Enough is Enough“, Youth off the Streets" and the “The Youth Safe Foundation" we have donated over $1.5 million to charity. In addition to this, we maintain a partnership with UNSW that proudly supports their textile recycling study and includes donations over $50,000 each year towards sustainable materials, research, and development.

At King Cotton, we want to provide our Australian communities with a cost-effective, socially aware and environmentally responsible solution to clothing and household goods disposal. We aim to provide mutually beneficial collection programs to local councils and shopping centres aiming to reduce landfill, minimise illegal dumping and improve local employment to low-skilled workers. Our clothing deposit bins raise awareness about the benefits of recycling including, environmental, community and social benefits. We will advise and guide councils to organise programs that will effectively manage resource disposal and recovery in their area. We will manage clothing bin sites in your area, FREE of charge. We will also pay annual leasing fees to your council or shopping centre. At King Cotton we like to give back to our community and partners. Over the past 10 years, we have proudly donated in excess of $1.5 million to our Charity partners to support their hard work.
Take a look at who they are and what they stand for below;
The Make A Wish Foundation have been granting wishes to children with illnesses for 30 years. They rely on donations and support from the community to grant very sick children and teens wishes, continuing to give them hope for the future. The Enough is Enough Foundation aims to reform society's attitudes towards violence through education and research. Enough is Enough offer a range of age and situation appropriate programs, seminars and support services to help reduce the effects of violence on society. The Youth Safe Foundation are a team of health and education professionals working to create new initiatives to address youth safety. All Youth Safe profits are reinvested into the community to help make a safer environment for all young people. We value a green future. That's why we‘ve partnered with UNSW, donating over $50,000 per year to aid further research into textile recycling, leading to new, sustainable technology in green manufacturing. Youth Off The Streets' goal is to see that no young person is denied the right to education, safe accommodation, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, counselling and other support services aimed at breaking the cycle of disadvantage, abuse and neglect.Our Vision
Our Community
We Care
We care about our enviroment and want to make it a safer, healthier place for all.
Take a look at what drives us and what we’ve been doing to look after it
Our Partners