Occupational Health and Safety Policy
The Occupational Health and Safety Policy is to protect employees and others at our various workplaces from work-caused injury and ill health and to comply with all relevant safety legislation.
The Occupational health and safety management system shall be in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 standards.
Our organisation is committed to:
* complying with statutory requirements, codes, standards and guidelines;
* providing a safe and healthy workplace for all of its employees, contractors, and visitors to its premises as well as to the premises of its customers;
* defining roles and responsibilities for occupational health and safety;
* setting up objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related incidents in relation to our activities, products and services;
* using of safe working systems supported by documented safe working procedures and will only use materials that are safe and do not pose a risk to the environment;
* continually improving our OHS performance and preventing incidents and injuries; and
* consulting and Participation with employees, contractors and our clients to improve decision-making on Occupational Health and Safety matters.
The Health and Safety Policy receive the highest priority from the senior managers of the organisation and this priority is communicated to all personnel connected with the company.
Managers will implement this Policy, being responsible for the health and safety of all persons working in any operation under their control. It is their responsibility to ensure that personnel who report to them are provided with the necessary instruction, training and resources to implement the Policy and hold them accountable to do so.
Employees are responsible to take care of their own health and safety and that of their fellow workers to the extent of their capability, by following all safety rules, procedures and instructions.
This Policy will be reviewed when required by changes in legislation, or when company operations require it. If altered, employees will be consulted and notified of the changes.
Alex Dimou – Managing Director